I started my senior year this morning. Armed with a shiny black planner and a seed of hope, I attacked the early morning. New workout? Check. Organize books? Check. Send my sister of to her second year of college? Check. Picture of me hugging my EMT textbook? Check.
EMT school starts a week from today, and I've never been so ready to become a student again! So many years passed without a vision or hope. I hated life. I hated school. I buried my passion. I stared longingly at people who seemed to find joy, wondering why I never could.
I know the answer now. It's hope. Hope means believing in the sunrise, even when the sky is empty. It's loving a person that could never love you back, because you want to make an impact on their life. I'm learning to let go, and let God. And you know what happened? I am smiling more, and I see clearer. This year means more than becoming an EMT. I am becoming me.
Love this!!!